hey hey ppls!
erms well tis whl week has been an exhaustin one.but totally satisfyin. din feel bored at all fer once.
met besties paul n ting on tue ta go watch tricia play against sum ite. anws NYP won! yay!
congrats trish! sorrie we onli saw u play fer like 5 mins. u knw us neva hv we been early! ;p next time ya we'll try 10 mins! hehe
dat day i was like supa damn blur n lost due to dat darn flu medicine i took makin me drowsy.
oh ya hey besties, u knw dat day whn u guys made a joke bout da way indians talk n i got touchy rite. well i hav my reasons. it all used ta be funny once.jux dat i hav a frn whuse indian n had a horrid sec sch life coz she was bullied n had severe racial problems wif her fellow chinese classmates n well it may seem funny but to sum it hurts.i was lucky nt to go thru soo much of tt. i mean its not their fault they talk like dat. so im jux tryin ta be more sensitive to these things. afta all i am an indian. i originated frm a place whr almost everyone talks like dat n do many other things which are still pretty funny i hafta agree! lol jux tryin to increase my sensitivity. hope u get me ya! =)
well um totally beat! me n college frns went ta play badminton today! boy mux i say it was one gd workout. felt like i was in softball trainin all over again. how sweaty i gt! haha but it was fun! anws we ate it all back in this lil italian place. loads of pasta n bread!
i hv more ta rant bt ill stop here... hahaha wonnt bore u guys out..
onli pic i hv frm our outin! da two gacads! LOL
anws shout out!
HAPPY BELATED B'DAY DAMIAN.J.M!~ sorrie i forgot
enjoy bein 18!
"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."
12:34:00 AM
currently in kl now. in my big bro's room. hes out leavin me wif his vast diff episodes. u tink um a freak fer watchin all dat many series, well ma bro is far worse. he has evry epi frm csi to desperate housewives to some new epi called bionic woman. sumth um watchin now while easin my boredom.anws im comin homme tmw! yipee! cant wait ta go out shoppin! din do any shoppin here. u knw me. i hv phobia of goin out alone and shoppin. dun ask me why. im still a kid! hehelil bro din play well fer his finals today. worst game i've eva seen him play. but still sumhow he managed ta hold 2nd place. lucky bugger!
here's me messin wif bros mac.funny shit

my 2 BFFS are SOO frakin HOT!
proud ta be mee!
LOLLabels: babies
"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."
9:19:00 PM
okays well considerin my days hv been completely uneventful n of of much usefulnes. im bein totally blunt n honest of to how um jux wastin wad people call precious time. i can slowly feel my brain melting away. my brian cell count slowly depleting as each day passes with me jux starin at a motion box. no complains there. if only life could be so simple easy n carefree. oh well jux gettin maself slowly back to reality. feel like i've been sittin in this bubble where nth in life matters anymore. oh well anws today spells the end of one tis old series i took on few weeks ago.
"VERONICA MARS" a story of a girl from high sch progressin to college showin how she moonlights to be this awesomely suberp private investigator under da wing of her dad. so shes like da go to girl in sch whn anyone needs help in findin out stuff or crimes dat occurred. anws why i love da show is mainly coz of her of-beat humour n sarcasm. oh ya n not to mention da hot guys inside. anws it was a great show! pity it got cancelled.

Labels: love is irony all together
"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."
1:13:00 AM
its da end of another weekend! n da start of a brand new month. well cousin -kamini just went back home.
she spent the weekend! n it was jux plain fun! since we bth share da same
passion fer mvies we had 2 nitex of mvie marathons!
our tiring workouts due to da guilt we
feel from satisfyin our cravings.
our lil bits of gossip
our lil quarrels
our camwhoring sessions!
n jux spendin quality time wif each other.
considerin her heavy uni schedule these moments get more n more priceless
as we bth climb da ladder to adulthood!
loved my weekend!

"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."
12:30:00 AM