i knw been ages since i blogged.. jux lost da drive...
esp since ma blog is inacessible to many..
jux tot id update da major parts of ma life!
4 weeks ta EXAM!
one month!
imm goin crazzy!
esp since im down wif SLEEPY syndrome!
findin it hard ta stay awake even in da day!
anws miss u guys ma dearest DARLINGS!
we'll meet up afta da 14th june kx?!
house arrest till thn!
love u guys!
Labels: pre-exam jitters
"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."
7:56:00 PM
psst: tis post is dated a week back realised it din post.lol
time she woke:aprrox 1.30pm
time she slept:approx 3.00
haha ya jux lettin u knw dat i hav clocked in da maximum no of hrs in such a long time. stayed over at darlin sis -ms ho wan ting humble abode fer 2 days. well da whole purpose was fer me ta find a job.n yet i went back home jobless.haha
well wad can i say we bth jux dun hv will power! lol n we get easily distracted. oh ya n i kinda helpe her lil bro in sec 1 maths
n i jux realised i've forgotten many things n its not as easy as i anticipated. but i tink i managed to teach him sumth sumhow.lol
i actualli thought i was nt bad a teacher okays!haha i mean he got almost everything i thought him.okay back to da job hunting thing.. oh well i guess um not as committed. so ya forget dt. anws we watched da dumbest mvie eva! seriously
STAY AWAY from it! total waste of 2 gd hrs! "THE DEAD GIRL" sounded interesting n well ms ho wanted ta celebrate us bein 18 so since it was an M18 show it was a go. haha i wanted ta watch a NC16 show "nanny diaries" but could be a crappy mvie too. lol
anws ya and u knw da sad part of it all whn we bought da ticks n went in noone asked us fer ID! *sobzz* did we seriously look dat old? lol oh well gd n bad. it was memorable moments. ting bought a webcam!we had our video calls wif edwin n tricia! ultimate fun fun!it was crappy beyond words. pity we din get ta hear tricia play though. 2nd nite was an abrupt second nite stay over.proves ma mom doesn want me anymore.lol she suggested b4 i even asked.anws we cldn make so much noise so we stopped after da 2nd mvie n decided ta go to bed. well not realli fer 2 hrs..haha we ended up talkin bout everythin n anything. haha total gurl talk. marriage kids things we wanted to do. things we were plannin ta do togther n jux totally random stuff till we knocked off.
n whacked part of it all...
ting;s bro who was supposedly snoring away on da up bed actualli listened in on our conversations!
haha embarassin ..lol oh well he cant possibly rememba everything..
anws i had 2 awesome days of fun!
thnks sis fer providin me a home in sing
somehwr i knw i can go to whn in need n da best company a gurl cld ask for!
ur da BEST!

"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."
4:30:00 PM