hi hi hi !
haha i can get da award fer da most frequent updater!
ok i hv so much ta say... so shhhh n read!
ytd nite was daddy's annual dinner!
its dis dinner dat he has every yr fer his company..
so yeah as da daughter n family its an obligation ta attend...
so at da dinner...
me lil sis n bro ( all da kids left in da house) went ta da balcony... ta get awae frm da freezin ac...
sis: hey dat car looks like (ma big bro's) car. (new model so hard ta find)
me: *sarcastically* yeah n here he cumes with his new chinese gf!
n guess wad!
da person whu stepped out of da car was ma BIG BRO!
we were like so damn shocked la!
haha ma bro was supposed ta be workin thru new yr!
made me hate da thought of workin..
but da client cancelled last min!
me ma bro r not very affectionate but i was realli glad ta see him!
i wld hav hugged him!
oks well enuf excitement thr...
im realli surpsrised ta say tis but i haad LOADS of FUN!
i mean thr were sum fun games!
n i mean real funny!
FUNNIEST!: tis drinkin contest!(beer)
da winner was da first ta finish SUCKIN da beer of a MILK bottle!
ma dad n uncle took part!
it was realli funni!
n i tell u!
its da first time in ma 17 yrs hav i seen ma dad dat drunk!
he was seriously high!
i was soo embarassed seein him lidat....!
but yet it was fun!
n danceflooropened!
even bigger shocker!
ma mom pulled me up ta dance!
n man can she dance!
i was realli shocked!
seen her dance b4 but not like tis....
she wasnt high though i tink!
ma dad was dancin with everyone!
n i mean anyone!
haha sm of his staff whom i knw were laughin at me sayin hes gone MAD!
well ma dad is always da uber serious one around n i tink dey too neva seen him like tis b4!
honestly neithr hav i....
oh ya! n i met tis realli adorable baby!
jackson?! joshua?!
haha cant remmba!
but hes a real darlin!
anyhow picx picx picx!

hehe well i'v been tryin ta post all thru da day wheneva i cum back its failed!
oh well gimme credit fer tryin!
basketball madness is back!!
um on fire!
"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."
12:37:00 PM
pretty cranky now...
mr sumone jux left wifout sayin gd bye...!
wads wrong wif proper gd bye huh huh huh?!
its hard sayin gd bye...
so da longer da beta!
haha tts wad i tink!
oh well....
anyhow another SHOUTOUT!
lol if mention her u guys wldn knw... ASHA LAKSHME! hehe learn now ppl...
hehe i hav a big family...
shes numba 5 in da kiddy line in ma fam....
da new yr comin n all gets me tinkin...
i tink dis yr i've matured quite a bit...
although at home um like such a kid...
haha but on da inside i've grown..
like money wise..
i used ta hav nt much care of wad i spend....
but ytd i went out wif van...
n i was like realli thrifty!
haha proud of me?!
hehe well n me n van had tis real heart ta heart conversation n i was almost tearin jux tellin her bout ma fam...
hehe so was she...
it was like we had tis moment i felt we understood each other...
well um realli glad tis HOLS i managed to do loads of things i neva got to do b4!
i mean...
neva dared...
or jux wrong timin..
tis time da pieces fell in place...
at least most of it...
or jux din bother too...
managed ta hang wif ma SIS (a.ka. miss ho!) n do loads of catchin up....
managed ta get PAUL ta come over ma place! actualli cross da causeway!
*three cheers for PAUL*
managed ta rekindle a lost friendship... i felt it a lil dunno if its mutual...
managed ta get a guys contact n pic taken! haha a guy i actualli like! lol dunno if tt was mutual either!
but its da courage tt counts!
managed ta move on fer real fer real!
managed ta stay single! (haha tt was real easy n FUN too!)
managed ta fall in love!(jux a few days) thn snap outta it! haha jux n infatuation!
managed ta deco a whl x'mas tree all on ma OWN!
(wasnt gorgeous but was OK!)
managed NOT to do any studyin! (trust me tts da easiet part!)
managed ta keep ma BLOG runnin alivE!
ok um all blanked out....
pics time!
ma cousins at x'mas!


hehe cam-whorin!

lol our advert fer da tree!
"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."
7:42:00 PM
today! i wanna make a big shout out!
to ma DADDY!
Happy 55th B'day!
ya knw i jux tot id type tis down coz i jux wanna show u guys
wad a great dad i hav!
5 yrs ago ma dad was in a leadin firm...manager of his firm...jux ready ta retire...have sufficient cash fer us ta further our education...n enjoy retirement...i mean um nt braggin or anth but we were close ta bein millionaires but ma dad preferred we had da best education...n thn his company came tumbling down...a world wide firm...jux crashed like tt...i mean ma sis had jux gone overseas....25 yrs of wad he worked for jux gone like tt... i jux cry tinkin bout da pain he wld hav felt...its like this high tower of blocks u spent hours buildin n it jux came down....oh well ma dad... he din even shed a tear...he jux got up n moved on... collected his losses n tot of da future... for us... his kids...he started his own firm... now at 55 (retirement age in m'sia)..its still buildin stages... like he started frm scratchn ma dad is still workin day n nite thru it...tts not all... not onli does ma dad hafta take care his rather large family of 6... hes been supportin his own family of 8... his sistaz wif major financial probs... ma cousins education....n well da lists goes on... i mean i feel like ma dad is da jesus christ in his own family n well a DAD more thn eva in mine!
he's been thru soo much hardship n yet he;s still tryin ta pull thru to give us da best in everything!
wad more cld i ask for in a dad huh...
i guess wad um tryin ta say is...
n to me he may not be all cool n stuff...
he cld be old fashion...
he cld be very pias...
he cld be very naggy...
but he love us all da same....!

their ma LIFE! id give up ANTH fer thm!
ma onli christmas wish is fer this family to stay tis way!
n ma dads burdens lifted soon!
"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."
2:39:00 AM

"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."
2:43:00 AM
u mux knw by now...um like realli bored as u can see by da frequent posts...i knw i sound pretty pathetic..lol i dun care though... went out wif besties frm college today... did a bit of shoppin... bought sum stuff... din manage ta buy anth fer sibs though... nth i tot deyd like..i hate shoppin fer gifts.. its hard! wld she like it? wld she use it? oh well... din get anth fer thm. wish cld hop on ta sing..thrs nth in this darn country! damn.. anwx...
mom jux called...shes comin back frm kl wif lil bro n sis...
oh yeah guess id betta say it here!
real proud of LIL BRO!
he won overall MALAYSIANS under-8 golf CHAMPION!
heheh SOO PROUD of him!!
he was interviewed by two newspapers... utusan m'sia- malay paper n 'the star'
cool eh?!
one of da articles is out but its in malay!
i rememba whn i went wif thm ta one of his tournies and he won champion once again!
thr were like a dozen cameras thr snappin his foto!
n moreso da tv crew was thr!
hes already a star by 7!
anwx back here... *snaps fingers*
mum was hintin bout da x'mas tree...
which she wants me to do...
she tinks i haven done it..
wanna surprise her whn she returns tmw!
i mean i was procrastinatin...its no fun doin it all on ur own..tt pt whn i was doin da tree...i felt real sad...wished big bro n sistas were thr... tis was one thing...everyone wld pitch in.. n now their all aawae studyin or workin...soon it'll be me.. haiz....
oh well...christmas always gets me tinkin...here sumth..an e mail i received...realli suits da season blues um havin..hehe
Around the corner I have
a friend,
In this great city
that has no end,
Yet the days go by
and weeks rush on
And before I know
it, a year is gone.
And I never see my
old friends face,
For life is a swift
and terrible race,
He knows I like him
just as well,
As in the days
I rang his bell.
And he rang mine if,
we were younger then.
And now we are busy,
tired men.
Tired of playing a
foolish game,
Tired of trying to
make a name.
"Tomorrow" I say!
"I will call on Jim"
"Just to show that
I'm thinking of him
But tomorrow comes
and tomorrow goes,
And distance between
us grows and grows.
Around the corner
yet miles away,
"Here's a telegram
sir" "Jim died
And that's what we
get and deserve in the
Around the corner, a
vanished friend.
Remember to always say what you mean .If you love or like someone, tell them. Don't be afraid to express yourself. Reach out and tell someone what they mean to you. Because when you decide that it is the right time it might be too late. Seize the day. Never have regrets. And most importantly, stay close to your friends and family, for they have helped make you the person that you are today.
"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."
12:37:00 AM
stay over!
i was real brain dead...
prob parrtiallly still...
went out wif ting ytd...
stayed over at her place last nite...
wanted ta do a lil bit of christmas shoppin...
n ended up goin home empty handed...
man i hate tt!
anwx tricia arrives fashionably 'early'...
n we decided ta catch a mvie..
sumone take me pls!
this is da point i pout over da fact um single!
if nt cld force ma guy into takin me!
haha oh well i told um partially brain dead...
jux crppin!
anwx ended up watchin "night at da museum"
i tink u guys wld hav heard bout it by now...
starrin "ben stiller"...
well i mux say it was real funni....
sumthn differen frm da usual...
at ting;s place... we furthered our mvie venture...
watched "pulse"... anyone heard bout it?!
erm... too tired to explain...
search it of da net..
but it was scary shit kx...
mde me a bit freaked...
since lately um glued to da comp...
ma dearest ting fell aslp like hlf thru da shw...
poor ting..'
mux be exhausted frm her attachments..
apparently their not allowed ta sit fer hrs...
tts plain torture!
poor things...
me n tric were left wide awake..
me frm drinkin too much coke...
tric i tink freaked frm da shw...
we watched "over da hedge"
a cartoon...
to take our mind awy frm it...
tt was funni too...
anwx mornin came...
i barely slept da whl nte...
sum reason n others...
mind was racing..
moreso da rain kept me awake..
funni huh?
i hv one last ting ta say!
i wanna a BABY!!
ting momma been babysittin tis cute baby a.k.a toddler gurl... ting doesn even knw her name..
but shes soo adorable can!
n to add ta it!
tric momma also babysittin...
soo unfair!
another cutie pie! boy!
haha like happy feet lidat!
if u hold him up...
his feeet non stop mvin!
wait wait wait!
i took a foto!
introducin!! nathan! um already his biggest fan! haha sum wld knw why
his face so 'selamba' eh tricia?
ok brains shuttin down..
too much excitement fer one day...
um beat...
need rest....
prob go into hibernation soon!
thanks fer da company u guys!
sis.. i love u soo much!
good luck at attachments!
tricia!beware gonna cum steal nathan!
"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."
6:44:00 PM
its all around us....
you knw one min ur all strong and happy bein single!
n da next this GUY jux cums along and makes u all weak at da knees...
a crush forms...
da more u see him...
tink of him...
an infatuation....
n b4 u knw it ur fallin fer him....
whether he feels da same way is another problem...
n sumtimes, mosttimes its a no no...
n heartache cumes...
why are gurls a sucker for romance...
well um not in love if dats wad ur wonderin but its da season for love...
da darn rain is makin me all gloomy...
i hav this frn...
shes punjabi...
hes chinese..
now shes goin thru a dilemma whethr she shud go on wif him coz her parents will disown her if she marries a non-punjabi...
i knw nop point blamin da parents...
i mean their conservative n their not gonna chnge...
wad she gonna do?
well shes been shunnin him...
poor guys all miserable cozs she refuses to tallk/confide in him...
thn he turns desperately fer help...
im no love doc..
haven been tt lucky in love in da past...
either a regretful mistake...
or doomed relationships...
well im ma opinion...
she shud hold on to him as long as she can...
i mean u neva knw...
things can change...
n if u love sumone i dun tink parents shud get in ur way...
it leavess room fer regret...
n u end up not bein able to move on...
blamin ur parents...
its ur life...
u hav one life...
live it....
dont u tink?
"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."
10:53:00 PM
hehe um back once again frm a long journey frm kl!
its damn exhaustin!
cant wait to snooze in ma comfy bed!
oh well today was real emo day for me la...
i dunno why...
was real pissed, upset,angry all at da smae time...
i guess was pms-ing
da tot of comin home to an empty house all over again...
it wasn soo bad da last time cos ma SIS - ting was here for a while...
but da min she left dat feelin came back...
um back!
so pppl!
keep me company pls!!
-i hav christmas shoppin!
-jux plain shoppin!
-n loads of catchin up!
haha i knw its onli a few weeks ago i met up wif sum of u guys!
anwx today talked to him again...i missed him.. yes i did... shh ok!
but we talked as frns...
after all tts all we'll be...
msn pals..
hes far away...
um far away...
ma hopes end thr...
n i doubt he feels da same way i do...
its frns for him...
anwx i end here...
i cldn upload da fotos for a long time!
so heres sum frm ma dearest cousins weddin!

ma crazzy cousins can dance!

hehe eyecandy!
well tts all ma comp permits fer nw... i gt loads more pics... frm ting n pauls crash at ma plce to ma trip to kl!
"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."
9:11:00 PM
halo halo!
ting is currently here at ma housE!!
paul n ting came over ma plce on fri...
yeah PAUL came across da causeway!
haha ting is like PR in ma house!
anwx i mux say we had truck loads of fun!!
fun fun fun!!
haha actualli in ma opinion it was fun becox of their company!
we jux sat in ma room chattin n crappin...
moreso makin MTV - we're breakin free!
paul so kuku la...
she forget howta go ma room!
dey bth signed their names in a cupboard in ma room eh....
haha shhh!!
anwx we played pool... which was lyk a damn crppy game...
haha but fun!
we even invented drills for pool...lol improve our 'skill'
we jumped into da pool
hahah jux kiddin...
puhleasse! ma dad at home...
3 of us tryyin ta balance on this one float!
i tink we sank lyk 4outta 5 times!
but was fun!
ended wif a mvie n pizza...
hav loads of pics but ma damn net is blarddy slow can...!
lalala um happpie! content!
we'll meet up soon!
ok i haf sumthn ta share... jux wanna put it down so lyk if i forget in da future i can go back n laugh at maself!
well rememba dis dinner i was tellin u bout....
well thr was this someone!
lol u knw wad i mean!
we had eyecontact i tink!
we danced together!
took pics!
exchanged e mails!
but oh well its impossible... hes far away in down undeer...
but hey a girl can dream rite!
"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."
1:22:00 PM
oh ya i tink i've said tt now too many times leavin it meaningless...
well wad hav i been up to?
lyk i said i hadta attend ma cousins weddin
which i mux say was pretty awesome
haha well i mean shes one of ma couzzies um pretty close to n well shes 30 but she acts like a kid... like me
haha n its jux unbelievable shes tyin da knot
thr were loads of mixed emotions throughout da weddin...
tears n joys....
ma couzzies sis was pretty upset cos their reallli realli close n now she'll be alone...
i was pretty sad fer her...
knw wads it like ta be alone...
its sux
i hav loads of pics ta post.... but um realli beat... jux decided ta revamp ma blog since paul insisted eh... haha paul tis is fer u
so tired la jux searchin fer somethin i like
wish i knw howta make ma own....
well ill talk loads more afta a short break...
was gonna upload fotox to make it less borin but so far ma freakin net connection onli permits one damn foto...

ma fam wif da bride.
"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."
8:16:00 PM