I SKIPPED SCHOOL TODAY!ok dunno why i had ta block leta tt. anwx yeah i din go ta sch coz i knew it'll onli be like a few hrs of class n i kinda slpt late da nite b4. haha i knw no excuse ta miss. BIG NEWS! for me la!ONE TREE HILL!!!!GILMORE GILRS!the new season is out!!!haha in US i mean. da painstakin weekly downloadin starts again! thnk god this time my bro more efficient so jux watch it off his lap! haha i knw i sound nutss! but um a sucker fer these kinda serials. da 1st epi of tree hill was soo saad! i mean in a way !well took an 45 min drive to play golf. da whl lot of us.din feel lyk goin.but wad da hell am i supposed ta do at home alone?!i tink i made da record for da most numba of balls i lost!i tink almost 10 balls! in 9 holes. haha i lost ma swing.so was realli messed up. hittin all over da place.nwx dat marks my 'evenful day'oh ya! n me n ma cousin teamed n won ma bro in pool afta like 4 matches!! n i made da winnin shot!! =Doh ya OH YA! f.y.i! um startin my drivin tmw! =) but da borin theory parts first la. =xbut at least um startin rite!!um out early day tmw![10]
"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."
12:46:00 AM
ytd:: my day was realli taxing. had loads of hw n dis darn physics surprise test. n thn she was lyk" i dun tink we'll be takin ur prelims as ur forecast results coz its too easy, i mite jux take this test". man i was like wtf la. halo lady u din even tell us we had a test comin up. n i seriously suck at physics so im definitely gonna fail. i actualli told her this. no worries i wasnt da onli one complainin! anwx lyk i predicted i failed.... like realli badly. felt so hopeless la. i mean my examx r in less thn a month. i jux hate physics! no two ways abt it. cant even bring maself ta start studyin fer it. soo much i duno.. oh well screw tt. my day gets worse k...cme back n fast forward till dinner. n yeah lil bro was all up my ass ok. i jux felt like punchin him man. i meann arrghh! thrs soo much i can tolerate k. um nt ur blardy ply toy. i reallli blew up afta much toleration n da worst parrt. mom n freakin uncle wwere lyk lookin at me lyk it was my fault...."hes jux a small boy"... " dunno why u cant tolerate him" . it was soo f**ked up okx. i was damn pissed. din even touched ma dinna. jux went up ta ma roomn n bam... i wass soo mad. and soo upset. it was lyk everyone was against me. i felt like punchin somethin...in da end i broke down.... cldn stop cryin la... i mean it was like soo much anger n pain all goin thru at da same time... felt soo alone... memories afta memoriesjux kept floodin in....n all da painful ones.... more tears...buckets n buckets... n well in exhaustion i kinda fell aslp for lyk n hr...woke up realisin i gt lyk 20 pgs of bio hw n wldn wanna see ma damn bio teachers agrression all out on me... surprisingly i was all concentrated.... well no one was talkin to me.. i was a ghost in da house jux wonderin arnd... finished up n da tv was taken by sum jackass...so say this hindi mvie in ma bro's room...."kaal ho naa ho" translated: wad if thrs no tmw or sumth lidat...its abt this guy who is dyin (but we r nt suppose ta knw) and he comes to this town to seek treatment n brings life n happiness to this realli scarred family ( a dad whu killed himself n a grandma whuse always up da moms neck) . eventually he falls for da gal in da house. man its soo sad , he finds out that he cant be cured n tt gal fell for him too... but whn she came up n told him.. he jux said he was already married.. gosh i cld see da hurt in his eyes.. i knw i knw its jux a mvie but sharukh khan can realli act kx... n dat min on i jux cldn stop cryin... i watched da movie b4 n knew he was gonna die so i cried even more... even b4 da endin reached... oh ya thrs this other guy (he's nt bad too) has liked her fer yrs n finally goes for her whn shes in love wif da other guy... but da other guy knwin tt he wont live ta be wif her (or see her go thru another loss,like she had soo much pain in her life)so he helped da other guy go after her knwin all da right things ta say.. finally he ( da frn) proposed n she agreed and whn evronewas soo happy n rejoicin ... da other guy had ta put on an act as tears came down.... n yes more tearrs frm me... onli his mom cld see him pain....sigh...anwx i cldn bear ta watch da endin.. it was late... my nose was all clogged... my eyes runnin.... i had class early... so i stopped it at da 3rd disc n went ta bed....yeapx tts my one supa emo nite for me....out[10]
"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."
7:47:00 PM
its a public hol today..da start of da starvation month... haha nt for me though. onli da malays but we get da breaks too... anwx lemme updat fer sat...ill keep it short...
met up wif sis a.ka ting at around 2 or 3? seriosuly no clue. we kinda dint plan anth or whr ta go. so well she was tellin be tt bugis has now becum da new orchard? tt true? i dunno haven been thr in ages. so yeah headed ta bugis. thn we decided catch a mvie. "john tucker must DIE". so i gave a call ta edwin. well mux say he was real sweet. ps his frn n came meet us. haha thnkx bro! a lil part of ma heart was kinda touched thr. jux a lil, bleahx. he caought da mvie too.. mux say it was funni n damn bitchy at da same time. totally my kinda show. a chick flick. haha well i din realise how cheap things were at da bugis market. me n ting kinda scaled da area. n i was regrettin. thr was dis realli nice skirt we bth liked. n i jux bought one frm topshop for like RM133 ++ .n tt skirt was onli 18 bucks. haha wadeva la. its spnt nth i can do.
next next mvie ended we headed ta orchard n like went ta cine. headed ta da arcade.. haha was pretty crappy la. we played house of dead. kinda wasted most of our coins thr. haha man i knw suck at it. edwin was next in line for da suck list. ting wasnt soo bad eh. haha well thn played racing. ok edwin totally sux at this! i mean it! we all were like soo bored as da car was not goin tt fast n he was crashin da car badly. yeah thn played i dunno da name of da game. we use this hand thingy ta hit da puck. edwin totally won us in da first game. u knw us gals. we cant accept defeat so round two we won! yeah ta us. satisfied we left.
ok dis da FUNNI part we went ta da apple shop n da latest notebooks have a cam which can had damn funni effects. i tink we spent like half n hr playin wif da cam. esp mr edwin ong! totally disfigurin his face la. ok i have one of ting... damn funni.like ahma lidat...
-yeap thats ting. ms ho wan ting!

- haha thats us! i knw i look damn freaky!
dinner at da kopitiam near cine. one of edwins bright ideas.. seriosuly. wanna taste da most sucky food. its thr!
i tnk i reached home at midnite. was soo beat.

-thankx u guys for da fun time!-
though miised:
i guess another time kx.
recuperatin frm day out in sun. a bit of studyin.like realli abit. n worked out a bit. badminton n running on da treadmill. n yeap da bed once again
jux came back frm da golf course. went ta play nine holes wif ma mama. man has she improved n me well totally went down la. im lazy ta go to da range. onli like made 2 good tee offs. to add to my agony it was a walkin course so u knw how low my stamina has gone. i was so tired jux walkin da nine holes moreso hittin. i knw sum say golf is a borin game. but i tink its a highly diasciplined game tt nt everyone can play. hehe yeah jux makin my point. okx um out. hafta start studyin..damn finals/ AS examx in 3 weekx!! its time ta hibernate! n i dont mean sleep!
love love love!
"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."
2:48:00 PM
um realli beat.tink ill update this day tmw?or tmw? or tmw? whn um nt procrastinatin...
got sum funni pics ta post to.
p.s: had a blast edtwin n ting~! hope ta meet soon!! loadsss n loadss of lurve! =D
"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."
1:17:00 AM
nth much ta say today...
jux another ordinary day in asha world..
had borin eng class.. din bother ta pay much attn n i guess ma teacher knew hence dab staring. sha came up n told me bout ma gp paper too. apparently my grammar was pretty sucky durin da paper n i was like pretty shocked coz i tot it wld be my content. i mean ma grammar is exceptionally nt bad i tink. i tink its careless. i was jux nt in da mood ta write dat day so prob damn carelss..
yeapx afta celebrated hui yings b'day. was da classic.sing da song cut da cake. yadadada cldn realli enjoy much rushin for damn physics.
cant wait ta get over physics end of da yr. n id hav soo much more time.
well 4 weeks n countin da da BIG EXAMX!
"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."
9:03:00 PM
okx okx well um here once again.. duntake me as a frequent blogger coz um so damn lazy ill hafta tink twice or wait maybe trice b4 i start bloggin. haha okx updatex on ma lyfe...dooms day/armageddon/independence day? who knwx well tt day has cum!man ma one week break jux flew bye. n i literally mean flew man. i mean i can jux rememba gettin wishes frm my buds fer my b'day n now well lemme get to da pt. DA RESULTS~!ok im damn mellow dramatic so mind e. get tt frm ma mom actualli.my weeekend was pretty much a bore.postponed wif ting till next week coz my mom wanted me go golfin wif her. but turns out da damn rain gt in our way.lurve da cool weather it brings but it sux ta get all wet. so well was a whl weekend at home. this weekend was alot of me time. i mean din make much contact wif ma sunway peeps n even whn dey msgd i din feel like replyin. its like i jux felt like being alone for a while. guess wad caught up on my mvie library....-watched da whl smallvilee season 5! -rewatched gilmore gals season 6! (though din watch da last epi as was too sad =( -watched 'devil wears prada' (pretty nice actualli)ok cant rememba da rest... hmm..um out gtg mourn ma last few moments of non-muggin...hehe man ma mom is nice da way she put it...mom: um nt naggin of anth but startin tmw its countdown to ASme: *nods* yeah sadly i knw. damnmom: take it as da first leg. like da qualifiers ( A golf thingg)me: if onli its were a game .goshtis it realli it. it makes or break my future. *whining*out[10]
"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."
9:37:00 PM
if ya guys dun already knw um one hols. jux for one damn week. pretty pathetic n its abt ta end. well mux say its nt great a week but was ok i guess..um nt used ta bloggin n well onli reason um back coz i stumbled across ma old blog n kinda jolted ma memory of da past. lol din even knw it existed. haha well here goes...well MON : da break in!omg! ok jux came back frm kl sendin ma sis off. pretty sad moment. onli ma mom was in tears. i was sad but ma dad promised i cld take a trip thr durin da dec hols. so it was ok. i mean i tink ma sis is pretty damn brave. goin ta an unknown place all by hereself. g8 thing goin alone wifout da rents is she made loads of frenx. of climax of da day!me.big sis.small.sis.lil.bro.uncle went for movie.gosh.cant rememba wad mvie. n jux as we were done got a call frm ma mom?! i mean she freaked me out ok. she told me sum indo/malay guy was in our house. can u imagine he climbed in thru a realli high window. n he was in our guest room while ma mom was like sumwhr close by. freaky/scary ppart was ma mom came face ta face wif him! man she was brave. she shouted at him in malay tellin him ta leave. ya knw i mux say god is on our side. thank god he listened n wasnt armed or anth! da min i came bak i hugged ma mom! terrifyin kx. man i hate dis country. its soo damn dangerous la. jux months ago ma frn lost his dad over a car theft. gosh.TUE:went for movie AGAIN! " MY SUPER-EX GALFRN"haha i tink was ok. jux dun tink worth watchin in cinema. okx remembad watched " lil man" on mon. tt was hilarious. super sick jokes okx. my small sis din even laugh coz i dun tink she gt any of time. prefer white chicks any time! yeaps did a bit of shoppin at cs. saw tis nice boots! wanted ta buy but no palce ta whr it. damn. im still gonna buy it though...sooner or later =pWed:ok borin day. jxu spent da day at home watchin gilmore gals! its a series thing. moved frm season 5 ta 6. jux so u knw um a sucker for these kinda series... follow tightly ...da oc.onetreehill.greys anatomy. des housewives....haha yeah i cld go on.Thurs:dats today rite?! ok dat was lame. went over ta tebrau city. i guess most wont knw. but its dis newly opened mall near ma college. had a purpose ta buy this topshop skirt id been eyein n ma bro wanted ta bring his gf ta shop b4 dey left. haha i eneded up onli buyin bras.like seriosly i tink um damn fickle. well actualli um more money conscious. jux realised ma mom had a disc card for topshop n i din take it frm her so decided ta wait. well ok we went for movie at night! GHOST GAME! ta me its da scariest mvie of da yr! i was prac on da floor. moreso i screamed even more thn ma bros gf! haha she was happy as sumone out beat her. lolx seriously watch it! i tink its sooooo scary! =xANNOUNCEMENT TO MA DEARIES!paul : thnkx soo much for da wishes n da weird foto on ur blog. hehe.ur always close ta ma heart if nt in it! =) seriously miss yeu! hope we can hang out soon! *hinthint*sis(a.ka. ting!) : i dunno if u read dis but i miss yeu dearly! tricia: glad we're still in contact! =) ur da top 5 ta wish me eh! haha thnakx! made my nite wif ur crappines~! miss ya loads!! edtwin: man mr ur one stranger. one min ur here next ur nt! well glad our friendship made it dis far! misses mr frog!van: woman! i dun even tink u wld cum close ta ma blog but sub consciously knw ur missed gal!damian: yadadada haha ur missed too! no worries! =)
"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."
3:05:00 AM
well well well....!! um back!! not for gd jux till i get bored again! anwx din even rememba i started tis blog.seriously tts scary.um startin ta question my memory! OMG!
haha sorry its da 9th! i dunno sum ppl wld knw why um soo nutty! i mean like man mockx are finally over! n i feel s relieved (cept fer tt stoopid conscience of mine reminding me of da one wretched month left to da big papers!) n well i kinda had this whl pre b'day celeb on fri! well tot id SAY thnkx ta all whu came n shared those moments wit me~!was touched!sorry hadta make u guys break da surprise!SO'S tis os how um gonna be spendin ma b'day... my sis is goin off tmw..or shud id say today.haha well to da most unexpected place. INDIA!well um excited fer her but a bit sad. haha my mom is all emo already. shes been cryin since fri. i wld too if i was my sis. goin thr all alone. so we're goin ta da airport in kl ta send her ofbt i mux say its been a great PRE b'day !my moms been seriously pamperin me!i mean nt like she doesn always!but this is much much more...ill fill whoeva reads this soon as i get back frm kl.byex!lurvex ta all.....
"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."
5:45:00 PM