life lessons
Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.
Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want.
When you say, 'I love you,' mean it.
When you say, 'I'm sorry,' look the person in the eye.
Believe in love at first sight.
Love deeply and passionately.
You might get hurt but it's the only way to live life completely.
In disagreements, fight fairly.
No name calling.
Talk slowly but think quickly.
When someone asks you a question you don't want to answer, smile and ask, 'Why do you want to know?'
Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk.
When you lose, don't lose the lesson .
Remember the three R's: Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.
Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.
When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it..
Smile when picking up the phone. The caller will hear it in your voice.
Spend some time alone.
oh ya btw i failed my first driving test. the road part. passed the parkin n slope.
i was sad.
but da instructor was a biatch of a woman!
failed half da students.... =(
well at least um headed fer my vacation!
destiny: langkawi! =)
wanna knw da truth?
psst: we haven planned a single thing. jux gonna hop on the bus n take it from thr! livin fer da moment!~
Labels: crash
"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."
5:13:00 PM
the rainbow afta da STORM.
jux whn a storm hits us all. da IS blow so hard, da next day da survivors cum out all lost in grievin over wad lost n wads left. ppl wander aimlessly lookin n findin sumth that will giv thm hope. sumth dat will giv thm a purpose to live after all they've jux lost their life's worth.
but sumhow whn things blow over ppl find a way to move on.
leave da bad memories behind and start buildin up their life again.
once i've felt sumth close to dat. da feelin of loss. n well now i feared i mite cum across ot again.but sumhow i found da rainbow instead.
um jux glad things are gettin beta.
we're all caliberated!
anws well um back frm KL again. jux did a bit of shoppin fer formal clothes!
man mux i say its damn freakin difficult!
everythin looks so WORK-SY fer me!
halo um onli 18! I shudn be dressin up all so formal jux to go to uni..
but dats da apparent dresscode.
anws i did get one pair aftr much force frm cousin.
so many awesome things ta buy but had ta let it all side
go n jux settle fer da formal wear.
well i guess jux tryin ta get used to da fact um growin up!
lol - damn it!
n goin to uni soon.
not even da one i expected ta go.
irony of it...
da uni in INDIA called ma dad ytd n offered me a seat at their uni.
a lil too late dun u tink...
ma seatts bo0ooked... 31 k paid to book ma seat n ma first sem accomodation paid fer~
so ya screw it..
well momma's happie, um jux a 4 hr drive away...
well i've accepted it n made da best of it!
all ma cousins r thr n family close by...
jux one thing dat pisses me off....
not bothered ta talk bout it now!
enjoyin ma moments of triumph n peace!
i knw rite seems like a thoughtless feat ta some but its a
BIG thing ta me!
um uber scared of PAIN!
well truth of da matter its not dat painful...
i mean it is jux fer like 10 secs?
ya in dat 10 secs i screamed!
n i mean literally screamed as da needle went thru!
loads of blood shed...
but now it barely hurts n jux a day afta...
so guys its not so bad...
da pics are a bit gruesome!
but ya haha jux wantd ta bookmark it!

"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."
1:12:00 AM
hello GOOD BYE~ 08'
my 08' started with a bang...
not quite wad i expected but it was a blast!
i've thought out my new year resolutions n sumhow in da makin realised whr i stand emotionaally n stuff.
well sumhow in terms of da ppl i treasure i've gained sum n im startin to dread n feel um losing sum. but i gonna try my uptmost best to salvage wads left n if thrs realli nth left thn f*** it la seriously.
people are gonna let u down.
people are gonna disappoint u.
mean things cld be said.
feelngs hurt.
but sum bit of remorse has to felt.
apologies freely given whr due
n move on!
why cant it all be dat simple...
hello 08' sayonara 07'
hope it'll be a betta yr fer me...
"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."
1:13:00 AM
one nite in hell
hey guys...
well i
mux say life h been shit ta me
tis week.
da whole n main
reason was
coz i caught
stomache flu bug from
lil sis which she got
frm ma mom prob which she got
frm lil bro which he got
frm dad which he we estimate gt
frm ma
bro's gurlfrn in KL! n cldn go out wif bestiex!yes
tis virus is one feisty bitch! esp since it attacks
da tummy. n fer me any form of sickness i always get it twofold. so
yaa crap! esp since i had it on one of college
bestiex 18
th celeb at ma place. imagine
havin sushi fer lunch.
feelin extremely
nauseous ,jumpin around in da pool n hence throwin it all up half way . (not in da pool mind u) haha ran to da loo. lols i love ma pool n frns too much to do such a thing. n yes tts jux da tip of da iceberg. dat was my ultimate outload session NUMBA 1 of probably 10tns more. i took some 100 plus to try cure it n nope din work one bit it was more sushi on da rockx! it ws much so i neva wanna hv sushi fer now! shucckkxxx... eerrgghh n yes it carried it on da whl nite. ma dad had his theories on how to stop my every 20 min interval of spasmms pourin out wif wadeva i put in even 2 mins ago includin a sip of water n every ounce of bile n digestive juices i has left. my throat was sore. i cld barely speak. wif da excruciating pain.even m dad gve up on all his alterntive remedies he tried coz every pill dat entered came out da same way. but i do rememba though felt like i was i dreamin. Mr STRANGER called.yes um still ALIVE! well it ll ended whn ma mom jux totally gave up n all my tummy had was emptied out at around 3am. 6-3 my moments of horror. din shower since i got out frm da pool. um jux feelin real bad fer ma darlin frens i abandoned on da 1st floor as i cldn take it no more n jux resided to my room wif ma maid at ma side holdin up ma hair till mom came home. SORRY GUYSS!
anws um GLAD its all over.
da rubble frm dat storm.- i lost 1 kg!
id rather be 200 pounds than goo thru dat whl nite again!
p.s: i knw tis whl entry is sooo SELF-PITIFUL!
but hey gimme sum moments to pity ma self ya? haha
oh ya updatess on ME again!wahaha
i falttened ma hair-(lame mans terms -relaxed )
but it looks straightened.
figured its da best way to tame ma hair.
wanna cut it hort but i dun dare now. scareed it'll kink up. darn
um off travellin south of m'sia (if um nt mistaken) wif da remainin of da fam. ma lil bro n sis hv golf tournies in kedah (8 hrs frm here. langkawi n penang.
hopefully ill be back by then!
hvfta catch up wif those whuse A's jux finishes esp bestie VANETTA!
if ur readin tis i sooo solemly PROMISE ta meet up whn um back! yahs?
n to da rest of ma BFFs ma SIS, PAUL, EDTWIN n MUMU!
catch ya guy whn um back yahhs!
"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."
10:05:00 PM
fringe gone WRONG!
HO HO HO!ummmm backkkkk!~~LOLi've been so uber lazzzy to blog. yes yes same old same old! =pwell um back n gonna TRY ta change! "ya right"LOLhaha im feelin crappy7.30 in da MORNIN - "YES im up!"jux reached back frm penang in da nite bus. a wonderful 4day trip ta go visit ma sis thr. shes in penang medical university n insisted we cum see her since we're all free n stuff. i mux say i had a blast! it was an ALL GURL trip! daddy n lil bro stayed back. me ma mom lil sis n her 2 friends. we got to do all da shoppin we wanted! muahahait wasnt planned but sumhow we were pretty spiritual. we visited different temples each day. will let da pics talk. n ya da last day mornin b4 we came back we actualli went trekkin! at da "TAMAN NEGARA PENANG" national park. n in all da rush. we werent quite dressed rite. haha but we did it! well i mux say KUDOS to ma mom who walked in her house slippers! thru da muds n rockaz n ekkiee stuff!we trekked fer almost 5 hrs. it was fun! haha i loveee da outdoors n doin things like this soo even wet n soggy frm da rain , da muddy grounds i LOVED IT! haha made me reminiscence our camp days! realli miised it all!*sigh* i feel so old....
more pics soon. kinda lost ma mood. dad said i havent confirmed a place in med sch in india. competitive n shit. damn..... *sulkiin*Labels: cant stand da wait
"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."
7:41:00 AM
if onli it was dat simple
hey hey ppls!
erms well tis whl week has been an exhaustin one.but totally satisfyin. din feel bored at all fer once.
met besties paul n ting on tue ta go watch tricia play against sum ite. anws NYP won! yay!
congrats trish! sorrie we onli saw u play fer like 5 mins. u knw us neva hv we been early! ;p next time ya we'll try 10 mins! hehe
dat day i was like supa damn blur n lost due to dat darn flu medicine i took makin me drowsy.
oh ya hey besties, u knw dat day whn u guys made a joke bout da way indians talk n i got touchy rite. well i hav my reasons. it all used ta be funny once.jux dat i hav a frn whuse indian n had a horrid sec sch life coz she was bullied n had severe racial problems wif her fellow chinese classmates n well it may seem funny but to sum it hurts.i was lucky nt to go thru soo much of tt. i mean its not their fault they talk like dat. so im jux tryin ta be more sensitive to these things. afta all i am an indian. i originated frm a place whr almost everyone talks like dat n do many other things which are still pretty funny i hafta agree! lol jux tryin to increase my sensitivity. hope u get me ya! =)
well um totally beat! me n college frns went ta play badminton today! boy mux i say it was one gd workout. felt like i was in softball trainin all over again. how sweaty i gt! haha but it was fun! anws we ate it all back in this lil italian place. loads of pasta n bread!
i hv more ta rant bt ill stop here... hahaha wonnt bore u guys out..
onli pic i hv frm our outin! da two gacads! LOL
anws shout out!
HAPPY BELATED B'DAY DAMIAN.J.M!~ sorrie i forgot
enjoy bein 18!
"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."
12:34:00 AM